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I spent four decades training travel agents about Mexico and Latin America. I moved to Mexico in 2015 and am now a “residente permanente” in the Lake Chapala area of Jalisco State.

In fact, it’s been my life’s work to help Americans prepare to explore Mexico vacations and long-term living. I’ve been in all 32 States.

Along the way I became painfully aware of the challenges and hurdles of “saving” your way to retirement solvency and happiness up north. And realized that millions of baby-boomers took a detour from idealism of the 1960s towards buying into the dream of American retirement peace-of-mind. 401k, real estate, insurance, savings, and healthy living were to provide the foundation, right?

Guess what? I WAS WRONG.

Everything I thought I knew about how to prepare and spend retirement is simply not true. First, you can’t save your way to a sustainable, transformational retirement. That train left the station decades ago for most boomers approaching age 65. No chance to catch up. Second, the proverbial downsize won’t get you all the way there. Thirdly, living in the US and Canada is just too damn expensive. And uncertain. And irritating for many who are fed up with the post-Truth media era that’s stollen the joy of simple pleasures.

You see, there’s a much better – and smarter – way to enrich the next chapter of your life. And it’s here for just about any lifestyle or aspiration. For some, it’s a luxury retirement beyond your wildest dreams. For others, a refuge from unsustainable US and Canadian costs. Millions made it to the finish line. Millions more didn’t and it’s too late to rebound or rewire. For these millions, our longevity realities have outrun us to the retirement finish line.

There’s a new plan that’s being embraces by millions each year: living overseas. At the latest count, there are 195 countries around the globe. Nice. But when it comes to picking a place to live, there’s one and only one nation that checks the box for just about any situation or circumstance. It’s Mexico for living.

If you don’t have millions salted away, or you’re unhappy with how you’re currently living your post-work life, then I’ve got some good news.

I won’t try to make the Mexico for living argument in a 500-word blog. But start with this idea: can you name another country as “familiar” and “foreign” to Americans and Canadians? It’s a place that’s close-by, safe, culturally diverse, American friendly and one of the planet’s most remarkable landscapes. And you can live here for a fraction of what’s facing you up north.

A retirement overseas media outlet makes this claim:

“This overseas living plan gives all Americans the chance at a wealthy retirement. The chance to be rich even if you’re not.”

Well, maybe. That depends on location and lifestyle choices as individual as tequila and mezcal brands that now dominate American bar shelves. If you want to really engage with curated content, coaching, advice, and support from those who’ve already made the move, consider joining It’s free.

But please, don’t come because of cheap living (it’s not as cheap as you may be thinking). Come because you want to enjoy outdoor living year ‘round. Come because you want to volunteer, mentor, and expand your global perspective. Come with your heart more than your head.