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It’s common for families to be scattered across the country these days. And when a senior loved one requires additional care or attention, this can cause difficulties. Many long-distance caregivers eventually decide to move closer to their loved one so that they can care for them more easily. This can be particularly challenging, when a senior loved one has chosen to be an expatriate for more affordable senior living. Below, Mexico for Living provides some tips for making the best decisions for yourself and your loved one.

Watch for the Signs

First, evaluate your loved one’s care needs. Do they have mobility issues and find it challenging to move around their home safely? One in four senior adults will have a fall, so if your loved one’s current home does not allow them to carry out daily tasks, you may need to find another place.

Another thing to consider is your loved one’s mental health. Are they exhibiting symptoms of depression? Are they showing memory issues that could suggest dementia or Alzheimer’s? Is your loved one able to carry out their hygiene, make meals, and fulfill other daily tasks? Answering these questions will give you an idea of whether they would best be suited in assisted living or another type of facility with memory care.

Talk About Options

You and your loved one have options to work with regarding living arrangements. Maybe your loved one can still live independently, and you can move to a nearby home. Perhaps they need a little more care and should move in with you. And, of course, if your loved one needs extensive medical care, help with household tasks, and a built-in social network, they could benefit from living in an assisted living facility.

If you and your loved one choose to get a home together, you will need to determine whether to rent or buy. Older adults tend to enjoy routine, so if you are financially ready and feel like your home will be a long-term commitment, buying a home could be an excellent option.

When applying for a mortgage, know that lenders will use your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) to gauge the amount you will be able to pay each month. You can figure out your DTI by dividing your gross monthly income by your current debt obligations. If you need to, take the time to lower your debt before applying for a new mortgage.

Moving to Another Country

It may be that your loved one has decided to be a Mexpat. Because of affordability, livability, and the nearly 6,000 miles of coastline, moving to another country for senior living, has become a more popular option. If you’re curious about this option but unsure what-all it may entail, then contact Greg Custer at Mexico for Living for a consultation.

Moving With a Business

 If you’re attached to your business, but still want to make the move to be with a senior loved one, then there’s a lot to consider. Plan well in advance of the move so that you can streamline the process as much as possible, keep stress levels low, and minimize disruption to your workflow and downtime. Make sure your IT support is on board, because they will play a key role in ensuring your transition is seamless. And definitely verify that relevant organizations, suppliers, and customers are in the loop.

You went through building a business and you can survive moving one. Soon things will feel like normal from the new location, with the exception that now you can be around for your senior loved one.

Help Your Loved One Transition

When it comes to moving to the new home, pay special attention to helping your loved one each step of the way. Take time to declutter their home and sift through sentimental belongings so that you can decide what to keep, give away, and get rid of.

Despite everything else going on, giving the exterior of the home a makeover can really improve the mood inside. Upgrading old windows can give the home an understated sparkle while improving the lighting and views within. Check local contractors for home window repair to compare costs.

If your loved one is moving into an assisted living facility or nursing home, be sure to help them get their belongings in place and visit them as often as they need. And if you are getting a new home with your loved one, try to make it feel like home by adding personal touches that both you and your loved one like.

Take Care of Yourself

Being a caregiver can take a physical, mental, and emotional toll. Along the way, you must take care of yourself. Try to eat a nutritious diet and exercise regularly. Find a bedtime routine that helps you get restful sleep. And think of any relaxing activities you can engage in to unwind throughout the week.

Often, moving closer to a loved one is the best option for ensuring they get the care they need. Be sure to look for signs of what your loved one needs help with, and go over living options to agree on the ideal strategy. And look for a local senior moving company, help your loved one transition smoothly into the new home, and practice self-care throughout the process.